Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Island Home Is Waiting For Me...

Papua New Guinea, land of the unexpected.
1993 - 2009.
The only home I'll ever need.
The only home I'll ever know.
The only place I'll ever want to be when things are hard.
Section 41, Lot 4, Chester St.

It's Levi OHSA, NOT Leviosaaa.

I am very much in love with you Harry Potter.

Nobody Said It Was Easy, It's Such A Shame For Us To Part...

...oh take me back to the start

Nice Legs, Double D's, Make Them Boys Go Woo Woo?

So she's my best friend, my sister and my "bad influence"
1994 till forever.
Caitlin Sarah Ng.

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

I always wanted hair like her...

Ahh yes proud to be Liturgry Coordinator 09'

As much as it pained me to receive such a joke of a captaincy I am pleased to say that even after the weekly meetings with the deputy from hell and excruciatingly painful conversations with our priest with the lisp I am happy I got the job I did, no competion to win a cup or shield of any form, no need for motivational speaking (and no, I do not count "the body of christ be with you" as motivational speaking), and I never had to worry about trying to get girls to get involved because church was compulsory so naturally everyone was there to support me anyway.
Too bad I've never had my first communion... guess I'll see you in hell.